Monday, January 28, 2008

The wonderful and crazy days of January...

Alexandra is 2 months old now...

Alex getting ready to sneeze

She is smiling now, but I just couldn't get her to smile for a picture. Alexandra is a wonderful baby. She still sleeps quite bit. When she is awake she enjoys chatting and smiling with mommy and daddy.

Trenton and Ellianna

Who knows what he is up to now...

It was a nice mild day on Monday, so we were able to go outside and play in the snow before it all melted. Ellianna, Trent, and I made snowmen to represent our family. The dog thought it was a good idea to eat our carrots during the snowman building process.

Trenton tasting his snowman...

Wouldn't you like to be Alexandra...

Ellianna and I made cookies for her 4th Birthday. She took them to Wee Dolphins to share with all of her friends.

Ellianna and Trenton- Trent had just gotten his first hair cut when I took this picture.

Forts made of cardboard boxes, pillows and blankets, laundry baskets, Ellianna's Birthday, laughter, tears, joy, tantrums, fridge locks, Trenton's first haircut, snowmen, Soul Fire Youth Group, friends, Sleepless nights for mom and dad, diapers, Grandma and Papa B. and the rest of the clan, tooting baby, toys here and there and everywhere, Grandma and Papa on the Rocks Road, love, and so much more, it is never a dull moment at the Bierbusse house.


Cody Jean said...

The kids are so photogenic. Enjoy your last few weeks of time off...

Linda said...

You are all such beautiful gifts from God. Thank you Lord for blessing us. We love you all. Dad and Mom

Carving Pumpkins Video